1 |
Public Integrity Auditing for Shared Dynamic Cloud Data with Group User Revocation |
2 |
Audit-Free Cloud Storage via Deniable Attribute-based Encryption |
3 |
CHARM: A Cost-efficient Multi-cloud Data Hosting Scheme with High Availability |
4 |
Secure Auditing and Deduplicating Data in Cloud |
5 |
A Decentralized Cloud Firewall Framework with Resources Provisioning Cost Optimization |
6 |
A Profit Maximization Scheme with GuaranteedQuality of Service in Cloud Computing |
7 |
Online Resource Scheduling underConcave Pricing for Cloud Computing |
8 |
System of Systems for Quality-of-Service
Observation and Response in Cloud
Computing Environments |
9 |
Leveraging Data Deduplication to Improve the Performance of Primary Storage Systems in the Cloud |
10 |
FastRAQ: A Fast Approach to Range-Aggregate
Queries in Big Data Environments |
11 |
Optimized Resource Management Decision System (ORM-DS) for Distributed Infrastructure Management in Cloud Computing |
12 |
Verifiable Auditing for Outsourced Database in
Cloud Computing |
13 |
A Cost-Effective Deadline-Constrained Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm for Scientific Workflows in a Cloud Environment |
14 |
A Secure and Dynamic Multi-keyword Ranked Search Scheme over Encrypted Cloud Data |
15 |
A Universal Fairness Evaluation Framework for
Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing |
16 |
Aggressive Resource Provisioning for Ensuring QOS in virtualized Environment |
17 |
An Authenticated Trust and Reputation Calculation
and Management System for Cloud and
Sensor Networks Integration |
18 |
An Intelligent Economic Approach for Dynamic Resource Allocation in Cloud Services |
19 |
ANGEL: Agent-Based Scheduling for Real-Time Tasks in Virtualized Clouds |
20 |
Attribute-based Access Control with Constant-size Ciphertext in Cloud Computing |
21 |
Automatic Memory Control of Multiple Virtual Machines on a Consolidated Server |
22 |
Circuit Ciphertext-policy Attribute-based
Hybrid Encryption with Verifiable Delegation in
Cloud Computing |
23 |
CloudArmor: Supporting Reputation-based Trust Management for Cloud Services |
24 |
Cloud-Assisted Safety Message Dissemination in
VANET–Cellular Heterogeneous Wireless Network |
25 |
CloudKeyBank: Privacy and Owner Authorization Enforced Key Management Framework |
26 |
Collaboration- and Fairness-Aware Big Data
Management in Distributed Clouds |
27 |
Collaborative Task Execution in Mobile Cloud Computing Under a Stochastic Wireless Channel |
28 |
DaSCE: Data Security for Cloud Environment with Semi-Trusted Third Party |
29 |
Questions via Sparse Deep Learning |
30 |
Energy-aware Load Balancing and Application Scaling for the Cloud Ecosystem |
31 |
Flexible Data Access Control based on Trust and Reputation in Cloud Computing |
32 |
Identity-Based Encryption with Outsourced Revocation in Cloud Computing |
33 |
Key-Aggregate Searchable Encryption (KASE) for Group Data Sharing via Cloud Storage |
34 |
Mathematical Programming Approach for Revenue Maximization in Cloud Federations |
35 |
OPoR: Enabling Proof of Retrievability in Cloud Computing with Resource-Constrained Devices |
36 |
Optimal Cloudlet Placement and User to Cloudlet Allocation in Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks |
37 |
Performing Initiative Data Prefetching in Distributed File Systems for Cloud Computing |
38 |
Privacy-Preserving Multikeyword Similarity
Search Over Outsourced Cloud Data |
39 |
Provable Multicopy Dynamic Data Possession in Cloud Computing Systems |
40 |
Robust cloud management of MANET checkpoint sessions |
41 |
SAE: Toward Efficient Cloud Data Analysis Service for Large-Scale Social Networks |
42 |
SeDaSC: Secure Data Sharing in Clouds |
43 |
Self-Adjusting Slot Configurations for Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Hadoop |
44 |
Splitting Large Medical Data Sets based on Normal Distribution in Cloud Environment |
45 |
TEES: An Efficient Search Scheme over
Encrypted Data on Mobile Cloud |
46 |
Towards Privacy Preserving Publishing of set-valued Data on Hybrid Cloud |
47 |
Towards Privacy-Preserving Storage and Retrieval in Multiple Clouds |
48 |
Trust Enhanced Cryptographic Role-based Access
Control for Secure Cloud Data Storage |
49 |
Using Virtual Machine Allocation Policies to Defend against Co-resident Attacks in Cloud Computing |
50 |
Data Transfer Scheduling for Maximizing Throughput of Big-Data Computing in Cloud Systems |
51 |
DyScale: a MapReduce Job Scheduler for Heterogeneous Multicore Processors |
52 |
HFSP: Bringing Size-Based Scheduling To Hadoop |
53 |
TruXy: Trusted Storage Cloud for Scientific Workflows |
54 |
Efficient Multi-User Computation Offloading for Mobile-Edge Cloud Computing |
55 |
Economic and Energy Considerations for Resource Augmentation in Mobile Cloud Computing |
56 |
Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Regenerating-Code-Based Cloud Storage |
57 |
Achieving Simple, Secure and Efficient Hierarchical Access Control in Cloud Computing |