1 |
A Novel Approach for Denoising and Enhancement of Extremely Low-light Video |
2 |
Recognizing Common CT Imaging Signs of Lung Diseases Through a New Feature Selection Method Based on Fisher Criterion and Genetic Optimization |
3 |
Automatic Change Analysis in Satellite Images Using Binary Descriptors and Lloyd–Max Quantization |
4 |
Spatiotemporal Saliency Detection for Video Sequences Based on Random Walk With Restart |
5 |
Image Super-Resolution Based on Structure-Modulated Sparse Representation |
6 |
Noninvasive Real-Time Automated Skin Lesion Analysis System for Melanoma Early Detection and Prevention |
7 |
Enhancement of Textural Differences Based on Morphological Component Analysis |
8 |
Hierarchical Graphical Models for Simultaneous Tracking and Recognition in Wide-Area Scenes |
9 |
Background Subtraction Based on Low-Rank and Structured Sparse Decomposition |
10 |
Adaptive Image Denoising by Targeted Databases |
11 |
A Novel Image Classification Algorithm Using Overcomplete Wavelet Transforms |
12 |
A Novel Point-Matching Algorithm Based on Fast Sample Consensus for Image Registration |
13 |
Face Liveness Detection From a Single Image via Diffusion Speed Model |
14 |
A Contrast Adjustment Thresholding Method for Surface Defect Detection Based on Mesoscopy |
15 |
Effective Image Retrieval System Using Dot-Diffused Block Truncation Coding Features |
16 |
A Novel Multiple-Instance Learning-Based Approach to Computer-Aided Detection of Tuberculosis on Chest X-Rays |
17 |
A Probabilistic Approach for Color Correction in Image Mosaicking Applications |
18 |
A Visual Model-Based Perceptual Image Hash for Content Authentication |
19 |
Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Features Extracted From Halftoning-Based Block Truncation Coding |
20 |
Automated Vessel Segmentation Using Infinite Perimeter Active Contour Model with Hybrid Region Information with Application to Retinal Images |
21 |
Automatic localization and segmentation of optic disc in fundus image using morphology and level set |
22 |
Bayesian classifier for multi-oriented video text recognition system |
23 |
Blood Vessel Segmentation of Fundus Images by Major Vessel Extraction and Subimage Classification |
24 |
Cross-Domain Person Reidentification Using Domain Adaptation Ranking SVMs |
25 |
Disparity Estimation on Stereo Mammograms |
26 |
Ground-Based Cloud Detection Using Automatic Graph Cut |
27 |
Hierarchical Learning of Tree Classifiers for Large Scale Plant Species Identification |
28 |
Human Facial Expression Recognition Using Stepwise Linear Discriminant Analysis and Hidden Conditional Random Fields |
29 |
Image Enhancement and feature extraction based on low resolution satellite data. |
30 |
Improving Dermoscopy Image Classification Using Color Constancy |
31 |
Iterative Vessel Segmentation of Fundus Images |
32 |
K-Means-Based Consensus Clustering A Unified View |
33 |
Learning Compact Feature Descriptor and Adaptive Matching Framework for Face Recognition |
34 |
Learning Spatial and Temporal Extents of Human Actions for Action Detection |
35 |
Learning to Rank Image Tags With Limited Training Examples |
36 |
LRTV MR Image Super-Resolution with LowRank and Total Variation Regularizations |
37 |
Median Filtered Image Quality Enhancement and Anti-Forensics via Variational Deconvolution |
38 |
Mutual dependency of features in multimodal biometric systems |
39 |
Objective Quality Assessment for Color to Gray Image Conversion |
40 |
On the Use of Coupled Shape Priors for Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Images of the Knee |
41 |
Reversible Data Hiding Using Controlled Contrast Enhancement and Integer Wavelet Transform |
42 |
Robust Control for Microgrid Frequency Deviation Reduction With Attached Storage System |
43 |
SAR Image Registration Using Phase Congruency and Nonlinear Diffusion-Based SIFT |
44 |
Segmentation of Tumor and Edema Along With Healthy Tissues of Brain Using Wavelets and Neural Networks |
45 |
Sorted Consecutive Local Binary Pattern for Texture Classification |
46 |
Supervised Variational Model With Statistical Inference and Its Application in Medical Image Segmentation |
47 |
Topological Modeling and Classification of Mammographic Microcalcification Clusters |
48 |
Word Segmentation Method for Handwritten Documents based on Structured Learning |
49 |
A Probabilistic Method for Image Enhancement With Simultaneous Illumination and Reflectance Estimation |
50 |
Tree Leaves Extraction in Natural Images: Comparative Study of Preprocessing Tools and Segmentation Methods |
51 |
Multiscale Logarithm Difference Edgemaps for Face Recognition Against Varying Lighting Conditions |
52 |
Natural Color Satellite Image Mosaicking Using Quadratic Programming in Decorrelated Color Space |